Calf pain troubles…

So it appears that my right calf doesn’t like any type of exercise. After every type of exercise I have tried recently (Pilates, exercise bike, treadmill walking and running, cross trainer, Zumba and skipping) I end up with a really tight right calf. My left calf is fine but the right one hurts for at least a couple of days after.

I have changed the way that I stretch and keep stretching out my right calf throughout the day but it still feels so tight.

I’m wondering whether compression socks or tights will help? or whether it is to do with my trainers?

any help will be gratefully received!

I hope you are all doing well with your workouts, training and races.

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

So tired I could sleep standing up but I still went to the gym

After a day at work running around after 22 little ones and a terrible nights sleep, all I wanted to do when I got home from work was sit on the sofa and have a map. I did not want to go to the gym. But I went anyway – it was hard but I got through it and with every workout I am making steps towards my half marathon in March.

I upped my jogging/running to 90 seconds with walking intervals of 2 minutes. It doesn’t sound like a big increase but I found myself struggling for the last 15 seconds or jogging/running but I pushed through it. I clocked up 1.8 miles/2.89km of walk/run with a cool down and warm up. It isn’t much but it’s a start! And it’s more than I managed last time I did a walk/run.

I managed this with tight calves too! I think pilates on Friday night, followed by 3 miles on the cross trainer on Saturday morning was a bad idea. Add to that the fact that I probably didn’t stretch properly and you get very tight, stiff calves on Sunday! That made getting up and down the stairs a mission!

Thank you to the lovely people of Twitter and @Ukrunchat for helping with suggestions of how to relieve tight calves and stretches to do as well. Twitter is such a fab place to get information from experienced runners and is full of stories, quotes and people who motivate you. Definitely check it out if you need help or motivation.

This morning I found my indoor skipping rope so I may add a quick skip to my morning routine.

Let’s do this.

Have a lovely evening. Until next time.

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

Morning workout success…

I only went and did a morning workout as planned today! As you can tell I am beyond proud of myself. I could have stayed in bed for a few hours more, or snuggled up to read my book, or watched some rubbish Saturday morning tv, but instead I decided to get myself out of bed and get to the gym.

Today I did 4.87km/3.46 miles on the cross trainer doing intervals of 90 seconds at a moderate pace and 90 seconds at a faster pace for 36.49 minutes. It was hard work but at the end of my workout I had that feeling of “yes I did it!” I did this all before my mum woke up! And with the added battle of my gym card not letting me into the gym!

I treated myself to a post-workout breakfast of poached eggs on toast. Yum yum.

Did you workout today? Do you eat breakfast before a morning workout?

Have a wonderful day

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

This week hasn’t gone to plan…

This week hasn’t gone to plan with my workouts but that’s ok because each week is a new week and I still have Saturday and Sunday to get a workout in.

This week I have done cardio work on the exercise bike on Wednesday and then Pilates tonight. My plan was to workout on Monday, Wednesday, Pilates Friday and then Saturday or Sunday but real life got in the way. And I hurt my shoulder on Sunday night and wasn’t able to move it until Wednesday.

I enjoyed Pilates a lot more this week but I’m not sure I will ever work out how to do the Pilates breathing and count at the same time as moving on the in or out breath! It’s too much for my brain to comprehend after a day at work with 4-5 year olds!

Do any of you do Pilates or any other exercise classes as well as running and/or other cardio work?

I hope you have had a more successful week than me.

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

Pilates was interesting…

So tonight I went to my first Pilates session and I didn’t really know what to expect, but went in with an open mind. I’m in the mind set at the moment where I want to challenge myself and try new things so this was the perfect opportunity.

It was clear from the start that the others (apart from my friend and I) had been going for a while to beginners classes and we were the only newbies (which the others didn’t seem to pleased about!)

I will admit now that I am not the most coordinated or flexible person and did find some of the things we did quite tricky to start with – especially when we had to use opposite arms and legs! I gave everything a go and the instructor was really good and helped to move my legs into the correct position if I didn’t have them quite right. I am going for the next 4 weeks as well so I hope by week 5 to be able to see some improvement in how I am doing!

The last few minutes where we lay down and relaxed in silence was bliss and as I am writing this I feel so sleepy – I hope this means a good sleep tonight so I am refreshed and raring to go to the gym tomorrow.

I can feel that I have worked the muscles in my legs and arms and my back hurts a little (but this could be a recurrence of my tight back after an accident).

Have you tried Pilates? How do you stay in shape? Do you just run or do you do different types of cardio as well?

Sleep well

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

I did it…

Today I signed myself up to run the Silverstone Half Marathon in March 2016. Yes I may be slightly mad, but I have roughly 9-10 months to get into shape and I have the determination to do this, even when some people are sceptical. I am excited to start this journey and see what I can do when I challenge myself.

I did my workout again last night and consequently have two huge blisters but they say no pain, no gain, so I carried on and finished my workout even though it hurt! I’m not sure if I need to just wear in my new running shoes, or whether it is the style of them that doesn’t suit my feet. I might try some different running shoes for my next workout.

The amazing trainer at my gym is now putting together a workout plan for me so I can get into shape for the half marathon next year and hopefully beat my target time of 3 hours. I know it’s not the quickest time, but I want to set a realistic target that I can achieve.

Tomorrow night is Pilates night. I’m not the most flexible or coordinated person in the world so we shall see how that goes!

Have you run 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon? What advice would you give a beginner?

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

I got up off that couch…

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all had a good day.

I am writing my first blog post, after my first workout at the gym in almost a year. I am not going to say it was easy – it really wasn’t! (stitches are not fun – the pain!) But I feel so proud of myself for actually getting back to the gym and accomplishing what I wanted to tonight and a little bit more. Our bodies and minds are amazing.

Tonight I went on the crosstrainer for 1km as a warm up and then I did the first day of couch to 5k using an app on my phone. I used an incline of 1% (because I remember being told that you should always run on an incline on a treadmill) and alternated between walking at 4.5kmph and jogging/running at 9kmph. I felt so good when I started but when it got to set 6 of the walk/jog sequence I had an awful stitch. The old me would have given up and just walked for the rest of the time, but I dug in and kept following the walk/run cycle and finished it. It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t easy, but I finished it. I completed 2.77km in total and could not be prouder of myself. I am strong, I can achieve things and I am taking the first step on my journey to 5k and beyond.

If I can do it you can do it, you don’t have to run, making small changes and being more active in your day can be your first step. Everyone is different.

I would love to read your comments, so please feel free to comment, ask questions etc below.

Thank you for being part of my journey. It’s going to be a hell of a ride (or run!)

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit