The proud owner of these beauties…

…otherwise know as the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15.

my beauties!
my beauties!

Today I went to Run Stuff in Evesham to have gait analysis done. There were a few technical hitches along the way, but Sam was so helpful and explained about under and over pronation. I had a feeling that I could possibly be an over pronator and my barefoot run on the treadmill confirmed this. I tend to over pronate more so with my right foot than my left foot, which I was shown on a slowed down video.

I was then able to try on a few different running shoes; Asics Gel-1000 4, Asics GT 2000 3 and the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15. I loved the colour of the Asics Gel-1000 4, but sadly they felt too tight for my wide feet (I felt like crying – I hadn’t seen the other running shoes yet!), I then tried on the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 15 which felt soo comfortable (and looked so pretty too!), then I tried on the Asics GT 2000 3, which also felt comfortable, just not as nice as the Brooks.

I could feel such a difference just putting the Brooks running shoes on compared to my Skechers Go run running shoes. They felt so much more supportive and comfortable, they also gave my wide feet more than enough room.

I took the Brooks out for a run this afternoon and I am pleased to report back that I am in love! They are so comfortable and my feet didn’t hurt when I had finished my run!

Here I am pre-run rocking my beauties and my pink socks!
Here I am pre-run rocking my beauties and my pink socks!

I’m excited about taking these Brooks out on my half marathon training journey, pounding the pavements and increasing the distances I can run and improving on my times.

If you are new to running I would definitely recommend going and having gait analysis done – it really can make a big difference and can ensure you are wearing shoes that support your running. And if you live in Worcestershire, I would definitely recommend Run Stuff in Evesham.

What running shoes do you wear? Have you had gait analysis done?

Happy running 🙂

K x

Feeling fabulous…

I woke up at 7am, decided I really didn’t want to get up, and promptly went back to sleep. I woke up 2 hours later still not feeling like getting up and going for a run. My plan said I needed to go for a run but I wasn’t feeling it at all. I IMG_3220posted on twitter about not wanting to go and @runmaniauk replied saying ‘just think how you will feel when you’ve had that run’. My response was ‘very true! Maybe i’ll go for an afternoon run instead.’ Again @runmaniauk replied and said ‘we will hold you to that ;)’. Well after that how could I not go out for a walk/run?

So I got myself ready, put my pink knee-high running socks on with my padded running socks (since doing this I haven’t had a blister!), put my bright red Get Busy Living top on with my jogging bottoms and laced up my go run trainers (yes we are still running together even though I was ready to throw them in the bin!). I set my forerunner 15 to do walk/run intervals of 1:30 run/1:30 walk, put my earphones and turned on my music. Then off I went…

I ended up doing 1.45 miles around my village in 22.07 mins and did my fastest ever mile in 14.41 mins! It wasn’t fast, it certainly wasn’t pretty, but I am so glad that @runmaniauk gave me the motivation to go out and do it because I feel fabulous now!

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I got home and I was a hot, sweaty, tomato red, tired mess, but very very happy!
I then decided to do 10km on the exercise bike at home to finish off and did 10km in 20.29 mins. FullSizeRender (2)

Overall a fantastic day for me. I don’t think I want to run on a treadmill ever again!

This comes after a fairly awful first walk/run on Saturday where I started to run too fast up a slight incline and that then meant I had an awful stitch and my breathing was off and it was hard to do much more running.

My friends suggested going back to timed intervals and I am so glad i took the advice they gave – thank you Gill, Rindo, Jessica, Ashley and Viv (who has her own running blog – just click on her name).

If you are struggling for motivation and you are on twitter there are so many amazingly supportive, inspirational and motivational people on there who give you words of encouragement and keep you going when things feel hard.

Keep running and remember you are doing fabulously!

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

To find out more about the Matt Hampson Foundation please visit:

I’ve made a small breakthrough…

For most people being able to run half a mile without stopping is not much of an achievement, but for me this is a big deal. This unfit girl (me) is actually doing this. I may be slow, I may not be able to run very far, but I’m pushing myself and trying to work hard to improve. I have 234 days and counting until the Silverstone Half Marathon. At the moment I am following my plan, but I’m not naive enough to think that it will all go to plan, but one thing I know for sure is that I won’t give up and I’ll keep pushing.

This week I went to the gym on Monday, on the exercise bike at home on Tuesday, the gym on Wednesday and the gym today. Here is what I managed to do:

Monday: 1.42 Miles treadmill walk/run – 32.07 mins

Tuesday: 10km exercise bike – 22.15 secs

Wednesday: 2 miles treadmill walk/run – 39.42 mins (walk 0.25 mil/run 0.5 mil/walk 0.25 mil/run 0.25 mil/walk 0.25 mil/run 0.25 mil/walk 0.25 mil)

Thursday: 1.55 miles treadmill walk/run – 30 mins (walk 0.25 mil/run 0.5 mil/walk 0.25 mil/run 0.25 mil/walk 0.30 mil)

Friday: day off!!

I am definitely looking forward to my day off tomorrow; Wednesday’s treadmill walk/run was tough but I did it, today’s was even harder. My legs felt heavy, my ankles hurt, my shins hurt and I just generally felt sluggish. i’m glad I did my walk/run but wish I could’ve done more. I think I possibly have end of term lurgy from the children, so I shall enjoy my rest day by having a lie in and snuggling up with a book.

I’m currently reading: Engage The Fall and Rise of Matt Hampson and cannot reccomend it enough. Matt Hampson is such an inspiring person, who never seems to stop and I think we could all take a leaf out of his book. His motto is Get Busy Living – and that is exactly what I intend to do! Hence my bonkers plan to run a half marathon next year, raising money for the Matt Hampson Foundation.

Good luck with your training and remember that you are doing amazingly.

K xx

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

To find out more about the Matt Hampson Foundation please visit:

Another setback… But not for long

So in my last post I was hoping to get back into a routine of training, I used my forerunner 15 for the first time and I was feeling good. And then I had to go and have antibiotics from the doctor which have made me feel totally bleurgh (technical term), so I haven’t been to the gym this week. I have clocked up a huge number of steps though through my job as a teaching assistant, so all is not lost.

I am now fully recovered, off the antibiotics and feeling good. Motivated. Ready.

I have found a running plan on the Asics website that you can customise for a specific event, length of time to train, intensity of sessions, target time for your event etc.

I am now the proud owner of a 36 week running plan which starts tomorrow and will get me into shape to run the Silverstone half marathon in 2 hours 25 minutes. I’m ready to start putting in the hard work because I want to be able to run the half marathon and raise money for the Matt Hampson Foundation.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Good luck with all of your training, running and working out
K xx

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit

Back to it… With the Garmin Forerunner along for the ride (well run… Ok walk!) And I hate my running shoes too.

So I haven’t posted in over a week (I think) and that’s purely because I haven’t done any exercise as such in that time. It is almost the end of the school year and I have avoided nearly all of the nasty bugs, viruses, colds etc that have done the rounds up until now that is. This nasty bug that I’ve had has left me totally exhausted after work and going to the gym or running was out of the question. But I felt much better today so made myself go to the gym to see what I could do. And to test out my new baby – the Garmin Forerunner 15 (and foot pod)


I wore it at work today and everyone kept wanting to know how many steps/miles I had covered. During the school day I walked 2 miles and half of the day I was sat down, so I can’t wait to see how much I cover on a ‘normal’ day.

I spent roughly 40 minutes at the gym and ran/walked 2.22 miles which isn’t much. I was trying to push myself to run for as long as I could and then for half a mile or a quarter of a mile. It was tough and I’m quite disappointed that I didn’t run as much as I wanted. Running madimagee me cough, which then made my mouth dry and it also made my nose run. So all in all that wasn’t pleasant.

Then comes the running shoe issue. I have 2 blisters again. In the same place as before. This is after I relaced my shoes and wore running socks too. I think these running shoes may be heading for the bin. After I had done about a mile I felt that horrible burning type of sensation and knew I would have blisters. Just maybe not quite that big.


Today I covered 4.75 miles and took 11054 steps. I wonder what I will manage tomorrow?

So I got myself back to the gym which is a plus and I used my forerunner 15 and footpod which are positives.

I’m starting to wonder if I’m being too ambitious in thinking I can run a half marathon in March.

Do do you use a running/gps watch? I think I’ve fallen in love with mine at the minute!

K x

I’m raising money for The Matt Hampson Foundation by taking part in 2016 adidas Silverstone Half Marathon. If you would like to sponsor me visit